Within reason, the air acted as a more linear spring. Basically he designed a driver where the suspension was very compliant to the point that the real "spring" in the mass/compliance system was the air in a sealed box. He also wanted to flatten the frequency response and use a small box. The primary goal was to reduce the distortions caused by the very non-linear suspensions used in drivers of the time. Villchur had three goals when he designed the acoustic suspension speaker. One-Way Linear Excursion (Xmax) = 1.15 in / 29 mmĮffective Piston Area (Sd) = 84 sq in / 0.0542 sq mįrom Sd, driver diameter = 10.342 in, 26.27 cm Suggested net+drvier+slot = 1.75+0.14+0.34 = 2.25 cu.ftĭifferent box calculators on the internet gives different box volumes, one of them gives:Įquivalent Compliance (Vas) = 2.33 cu ft / 66.0 L Slot volume from above: 0.34 cu.ft (much largewr than ported volume) (This doesn't look to be for a SBB4 alignment.) JL audio suggests for a ported box as below (car audio): I like a Qtc=0.5 but the box size comes out to be near 30 cu.ft. JL audio suggests for a sealed box as below (car audio): This driver is flexible enough for that as well as do a quarter wave tube. I prefer sealed box but I thought of making a ported box and seal the port for a sealed box effect. I am doing a box for JL Audio12w7-3 driver.